Empowering the Shipping Industry to harness Wind Energy to reduce emissions and operating costs

Shipping is critical to the global economy, but with emissions set to rise significantly, the industry must embrace renewable energy, digital technologies, and smart regulations to combat climate change.

OceanWings is at the forefront of this transformation, empowering the shipping industry to harness wind energy, significantly reducing emissions and costs while shaping policy and perception in the push for decarbonization.

Our sea-proven system is designed for seamless integration on existing vessels and newbuilds. The low-maintenance of our wingsails is supported by a global network of service partners in key shipping hubs, to serve you the best we can throughout the lifetime of your vessel.


Powered by the natural trade winds

Our innovative and scalable design provides best-in-class fuel and emissions reductions, ranging from 15% to 50% depending on ship nature, the route and operational conditions.

This represents in average more than 1.3 tonnes of fuel saving per day per wingsail. This performance relies on a thin double-flap design that delivers both high maneuverability and agility, even with challenging headwinds.

With no need for dedicated infrastructure, harnessing free wind, best-in-class payback of 5 years or less depending on the vessels and fuel type.

OceanWings meet the regulatory efficiency requirements of a ship without reducing its speed

Institutions such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) or the European Commission have charted a path towards drastically reduce GHG emissions by 2050 and as such implemented mandatory measures such as the CII, EEXI, EEDI, EU ETS and FUEL EU.

OceanWings offers a technology designed to meet these regulations, enabling maritime operators to effectively be IMO 2030 compliant and IMO 2050 compliant using with wind assisted propulsion systems (WAPS).

“The best fuel is the one which is not burnt”: by harnessing the free power of wind, we clear the risk of fluctuating bunker prices.

Integrating Modular Wingsails during Retrofits

With a retrofit market expected to accelerate, the modular design and light weight of our wingsails simplifies integration into existing vessels, ensuring both efficient installation and adaptability with most of the retrofit yards around the world.

  • Being light means less additional structural steel and smaller "yard cranes" for mechanical integration.
  • Being aerodynamically compact means no impact on the "ship equipment number".
  • Being passive with low power requirements (<1.5kW in average) means small electrical cabinets and easy electrical cabling.
  • With our small footprint (2.5m), we minimize impact on deck.

The synergy between New Fuels and WAPS* for Newbuild Projects

*WAPS: Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems

With changing regulations and the necessary evolution of bunker fuel, expected to be more expensive and with less energy density, minimizing fuel consumption is essential to keep the same reach and limit impact on cargo space. Integrating Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS) is a no-brainer next step for a more sustainable shipping world.

At OceanWings, we work with ship designers to integrate and optimize the overall performance of the future seagoing ships. With a light weight system, a small footprint on deck and a low power requirement, we do not compete for cargo space or power supply.

Supporting throughout your vessel lifetime


A robust system by design

No high RPM, no noise or vibration, extremely low power demand, a fully marinized hardware compatible with heavy duty operations on Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Ro-Ro or Container ships. By design, our OceanWings are meant to withstand the harsh sea environment and require very limited maintenance.


Servicing around the globe

With a rapidly growing market, being capable of delivering real time maintenance in key locations around the globe is essential. As such, OceanWings has entered into key partnerships to serve our customers around the globe throughout the lifetime of their vessels.

A Modular Industrial approach,
inspired by the Wind Turbine Industry

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Find the right wingsail for you


Rigid Fixed Wingsail


Rigid Tiltable Wingsail


Rigid Elevator Wingsail


Lowerable Fixed Wingsail

Contact us for a specific study of savings potential on your fleet

Whether you are a Charterer, a Shipowner or manager, a Shipdesigner, a Class society, a Shipyard, a Seafarer or simply someone interested in Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems, we look forward to working together for a better future.

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